The goal of a Visual Merchandiser is to create a pleasant shopping experience at the point of sale-…
Interesting fact: by age 50 the average person has had 12 different jobs. That means 12 changes in…
Image Consultants use color studies to find out what are the best colors and tones for their client…
Are you an aspiring Marketing and Communications professional? Maybe you already are, but you want…
The year has just started and we wanted to share our New Year’s resolutions with you! In 2021 we…
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank ELLE education for this memorable…
Maddison Fysh(Marketing & Communications for Fashion & Luxury Brands)
Want to know who you will be learning from in the How to Create a Brand course? Meet your…
Thinking of signing up for Influencer Marketing? Learn more about some of the professionals you…
Hi! My name is Christian, I'm from Barcelona, 22, and I’m studying the ELLE Education short course…
Christian Rodriguez Carrion(Event Production)
A common question we get from students is if they should sign up for an Expert Certificate, so…
Advances of technology have changed how customers interact with the retail business. This is not…
My name is Peter Henrik Gall, I'm a 29-years-old Hungarian artist with a diverse educational…
Peter Henrik Gall(Event Production)
Today we want to thank you for using our blog to find out career and industry insights! We love to…
My name is Fiamma Reali, I’m 28 years old and I’m from Italy. I’m attending the Marketing and…
Fiamma Reali(Marketing and Communications for Fashion and Luxury Brands)
What makes a retail business survive? The answer is actually quite simple, customer loyalty.…
You know that your professional future is in lifestyle, but where exactly? We’ll help you find out…
Did you know that Interior Designers use set styles of decor as inspiration for their final…
Professor Debbie Flowerday was born in London, England, and has worked in the visual merchandising…
In fashion, one of the most important assets of any company is its brand. Creating brand value is…
Aesthetics, practicality, liveability, are all aspects taken into account by the Interior…