You decided to use your creativity to follow the exciting career path of product design, you have completed ELLE Education’s Product Design short course, now it is time to show the world (possible clients or recruiters) what you can do. Here are some tips to build the best one:


1- Take your audience into account

Who are you showing this to? Why is it relevant to them? What do they want to see?


2-Pick your best work

Sounds obvious, but it is a build up from the first step. You have to ask yourself what you want to show about yourself to your audience, and pick your best work with an objective and purpose in mind, whether to build your reputation, or get a job.


3-Choose the correct format!

The easier it is to access, the more accessible it is for the people who wish to see it.


4-Show off your creativity

You are a creative being that needs to express their personality through other channels, use this opportunity to showcase how far your creativity can go.


5-Talk about your experience in detail

When showing your portfolio, don’t only think about the aesthetics interest, that is only a small part of the story, talk about the context, why you made it, with what purpose, for who, the data and research you worked with, etc.


6-Make the impact of your creation very clear!

Did your product increase customer satisfaction? How did it make the project better?


If you haven’t signed up to this course, you better download our program and see everything you will learn from experienced professionals worldwide, 100% online!