Coco Chanel once said “You were born an original, don’t become a copy”, and that’s what inspired me to do something new.
The relationship between the question “What is the best part of studying online?” and this quote surfaces when this and my career in fashion merge. When I entered to study Fashion Design, I realized that there are too many branches related to fashion, not just making patterns and sewing, you also study history, trends, communication, among other topics related to fashion. When I started, I realized that most of my colleagues dreamed of creating their brand and having a store, then I wondered, do I dream about having my own brand?
After thinking about it, I realized that my true passion was to spread knowledge about fashion, to transmit what I am so passionate about to others and learn more about it. Here is where the question with the aforementioned phrase works. My dream is to stand out, to learn and improve my knowledge in the world of fashion, I wanted to begin to form my professional career, so I started with my blog “SHE by Priscilla Gómez” but I believed that in order to transmit more knowledge about fashion and enchant others with it I had to improve, to learn, and to become a professional in what I love, so that’s how I discovered ELLE Education.
I believe that studying online is one of the best opportunities that we have as students to grow and to improve, not only academically but also personally. Studying online helps to get to know other cultures, more ways to discover other learning experiences, and the most important thing, it provides the the opportunity to have courses, diplomas, where experts teach you from the point of view based on their experience.
The opportunity I found in studying online is that I get to learn by myself and to know what I am capable of and what really want to do, I get to show myself that the world of fashion goes beyond what we think it is.
When I decided to stay in my hometown to study Fashion, I thought that I wouldn’t be able to have big opportunities to improve myself, I believed that by studying fashion my only goal would be having my clothing brand. Nowadays, thanks to the opportunity of studying online, I know that that’s not true, I know that having my own brand is not my only purpose, but on the opposite, I can dedicate to writing about my passion for fashion, which is what I love the most.
ELLE Education fulfills the purpose of studying online, which means providing us with an incredible opportunity that helps us grow not only in a professional way but in a personal way, and at the same time, transmitting that to society; making them learn with us.