Title with European Accreditation
Helping future professionals become the best is our main objective! At ELLE Education, we believe in partnering with top institutions to offer our students an unparalleled academic experience.
That is why we have partnered with Camilo José Cela University, with whom we share values such as rigor and academic excellence.
The Castellana Campus, where ELLE Education programs are taught, is located next to Paseo de la Castellana. It consists of four floors and covers an area of 11,319 square meters, with 3,226 square meters dedicated to green outdoor workspaces. This campus meets the highest standards of sustainability, energy efficiency, and well-being, including the prestigious ‘Leed Platinum’ certification, making it the most sustainable university campus in Spain.

Camilo José Cela University was established in 2000 as part of the SEK Educational Institution. Its mission is to serve society by educating future professionals and preparing them for new challenges. Committed to innovation and constant evolution in line with the business and social reality, UCJC is known for its high levels of rigor and excellence. Its strategic pillars are entrepreneurship, technology and digitization, social commitment, and well-being.
With more than 10,000 students, the university is distributed across four campuses: Villafranca Campus, Almagro Campus, Castellana Campus, and the Goleta Cervantes Saavedra Campus, which is located on the Mediterranean Sea in the port of Valencia.
UCJC has four faculties (Health, Technology and Science, Education, and Communication and Humanities) that offer 26 undergraduate degrees, 21 double undergraduate degrees, over 145 postgraduate programs, 3 doctoral programs, and 21 vocational training cycles. All of these programs are innovative and disruptive, ensuring that students have the necessary qualifications to enter the job market with confidence upon completing their higher education studies.
La UCJC cuenta con cuatro facultades (Salud, Tecnología y Ciencia, Educación, y Comunicación y Humanidades) que ofrecen 26 titulaciones de grado, 21 dobles titulaciones de grado, más de 145 postgrados, 3 doctorados y 21 ciclos de formación profesional. Todos ellos innovadores y disruptivos para que sus estudiantes puedan acceder con todas las garantías al mercado laboral una vez finalicen sus estudios superiores.

All our diplomas, master’s degrees, and MBA programs are accredited by Camilo José Cela University, granting graduates ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
ECTS credits are recognized within the European Higher Education Area, which means they can be validated in other degree programs offered by different educational institutions.
Our Master’s programs consist of 60 ECTS credits, and the certification is issued jointly by Camilo José Cela University and ELLE Education.
Our Diploma programs consist of 40 ECTS credits, and the certification is also issued jointly by Camilo José Cela University and ELLE Education.