Aspiration is the biggest seller for fashion and luxury brands. Clothing reflects to the world who we are, and so, by consequence, who we would like to be. Especially high-end luxury brands have to focus on maintaining that aspiration, this means a quick adaptation to the times, hence a constant fresh image.

Young consumers seek authenticity, this why are constantly in the search for experience, and in this particular moment in time, the best way to show authenticity is through social media, where clients can interact with brands, and see from their homes what a brand is about.

Influencers are no different to traditional forms of celebrities in the past. Celebrity endorsements could make or break a brand because they embodied the aspirations of the consumer; with the democratization of media those aspirations have been passed on to influencers who are much closer to the consumer than any celebrity. 

Influencers promote lifestyle which is a natural fit with fashion and luxury brands which promote the same; traditional marketing campaigns do not work as well as they used to, when the audience does not like to be sold to, so influencers just go hand in hand with the consumer demand as well as the way fashion and luxury communicates with the consumer. We see this trend getting even more specific with the rise of microinfluencers, even closer to the consumer, with a smaller following, more targeted in terms of products, and thus, more authentic.

Learn how to create a successful social media strategy with our Marketing and Communications for Fashion and Luxury Brands diploma course, and #stayhome and watch this masterclass with Jenny Tsai, CEO of Wearisma, and specialist in social media and influencer marketing.